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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Andy Zaidman and Serge Demeyer},
  journal =       {International Journal on Software Maintenance:
                   Research and Practice},
  note =          {SCI impact factor 0.457, ranked 60 / 79},
  number =        {6},
  pages =         {387-417},
  publisher =     {John Wiley \& Sons},
  title =         {Automatic Identification of Key Classes in a Software
                   System Using Webmining Techniques},
  volume =        {20},
  year =          {2008},
  abstract =      {Software engineers new to a project are often stuck
                   sorting through hundreds of classes in order to find
                   those few classes that offer a significant insight
                   into the inner workings of the software project. To
                   help stimulate this process, we propose a technique
                   which can identify the most important classes in a
                   system, or the key classes of that system. Software
                   engineers can use these classes to focus their
                   understanding efforts when starting to work on a new
                   software project. Those \emph{key classes} are
                   typically characterized with having a lot of
                   ``control'' within the application. In order to find
                   these controlling classes, we present a detection
                   approach that is based on dynamic coupling and
                   webmining. We demonstrate the potential of our
                   technique using two open source software systems,
                   which have a rich documentation set. During the case
                   studies we use dynamically gathered coupling
                   information and vary between a number of coupling
                   metrics. The case studies show that we are able to
                   retrieve 90\% of the classes deemed important by the
                   orginal maintainers of the systems, while maintaining
                   a level of precision of around 50\%.},
  annote =        {internationaljournal},
  doi =           {10.1002/smr.370},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback